Thursday, August 22, 2013

"You put the lime in the coconut..."

There's no better feeling than putting on a pair of really sharp shoes. I can't wait to try my new Altra Provisioness 1.5 running shoes. I work in the originals every day, and love the versatility of these shoes. The removable stability wedge makes for a nice "extra something" for uneven ground. It's amazing how a thin layer of flexible material can make such a difference in the feel of this shoe. I typically forego the stability wedge for work, but may make an attempt to use it for road running. 

With a busy season ahead, I'm so looking forward to integrating my new strength regimen into an advanced half marathon training plan. The simplicity of the strength regimen is really ironic. The strength gained from exercises like squats, planks, and leg lifts, using proper form and timing, can be really quite extraordinary. 

My goal of a sub 2 hour half marathon is within reach, and more reasonable than ever. 21-22 minute 5Kwould be pretty awesome. Looking forward to 2-3 minute increment reductions beyond that...  I don't think I'll ever be a 1:35 half marathoner, or an ultra runner. The concept of becoming the best middle distance runner I can be-- that's something I could certainly get into!! 

These lime green Altra Provisioness  have me feeling inspired...

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Gearing up

Soooooo excited--- we're nearing fall training which has got to be one of the more comfortable seasons for running. There's nothing better than heading up to the track on a warm-ish night and the temperature feeling just right-- minimal humidity, and the clear, starry skies that come with it. I came across an article for an unseasonably warm solution to training and racing:

The age old question of "how fast should I run for this random 85 degree hot, humid half marathon, when I trained for an 8:30 pace???" Thanks to this article and tool, the fear of bonking and dehydration are completely reasonable, and also, much more avoidable. 

For the first time in my running career, I signed up for 3 half marathons. I'm extremely excited for all of them, as I chose races across the spectrum- one is a local half- the scenic route for sure- perhaps 100-300 racers will enter. The second is a 3 hour distance from my home, a race I've always wanted to do- it caps at 5,000. The third is the Disney Wine & Dine Half Marathon, which is just absolutely mind boggling to me, still. I can't wait to enjoy all of these with my running buddies. Fall distance is my favorite. An advanced training plan should put me on the most reasonable path to sub 2 hour half's across the board.