The age old question of "how fast should I run for this random 85 degree hot, humid half marathon, when I trained for an 8:30 pace???" Thanks to this article and tool, the fear of bonking and dehydration are completely reasonable, and also, much more avoidable.
For the first time in my running career, I signed up for 3 half marathons. I'm extremely excited for all of them, as I chose races across the spectrum- one is a local half- the scenic route for sure- perhaps 100-300 racers will enter. The second is a 3 hour distance from my home, a race I've always wanted to do- it caps at 5,000. The third is the Disney Wine & Dine Half Marathon, which is just absolutely mind boggling to me, still. I can't wait to enjoy all of these with my running buddies. Fall distance is my favorite. An advanced training plan should put me on the most reasonable path to sub 2 hour half's across the board.
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